We read stories of eastern monarchs in the olden times, when they marched with thousands of flying banners, and with all kinds of riches borne with them. Now you are to take that as the basis of my allegory, and suppose salvation to be the sacred treasure which is being carried through the world, with guards before and guards behind, to accompany it on its journey.
1st then, In the marches of troops and armies there are some that are outriders and go far ahead of the other troops. So in the march of salvation. I will tell you the names of these stupendous Titans who have gone before. The first is Election; the second is Predestination; the third is Redemption.
Before Salvation came into this world, Election marched in the very forefront, and it had for its work the billeting of Salvation. Election went through the world and marked the houses to which salvation should come and the hearts in which the treasure should be deposited. Election looked through all the race of man, from Adam down to the last, and marked with sacred stamp those for whom salvation was designed. "He must needs go through Samaria," said Election; and salvation must go there.
Then came Predestination. Predestination did not merely mark the house, but it mapped the road in which salvation should travel to that house. Predestination ordained every step of the great army of salvation. It ordained the time when the sinner should be brought to Christ, the manner how he should be saved, the means that should be employed. It marked the exact hour and moment when God the Spirit should quicken the dead in sin, and when peace and pardon should be spoken through the blood of Christ. Predestination marked the road so completely that salvation doth never overstep the bounds, and it is never at a loss for the road. It was not meet that salvation should be left to chance, and therefore, God has mapped the place where it should pitch its tent, the manner of its footsteps to that tent, and the time when it should arrive there.
Then came Redemption. The way was rough; and though Election had marked the house, and Predestination had mapped the road, the way was so impeded that salvation could not travel it until it had been cleared. Forth came Redemption. It had but one weapon, and that was the all-victorious Cross of Christ. There stood the mountains of our sins; Redemption smote them, and they split in halves and left a valley for the Lord's redeemed to march through. There was the gulph of God's offended wrath; Redemption bridged it with the Cross, and so left an everlasting passage by which the armies of the Lord may pass. Redemption has tunnelled every mountain, it has dried up every sea, cut down every forest. It has levelled every high hill, and filled up the valleys, so that the road of salvation is now plain and simple. God can be Just, and yet the Justifier of the ungodly.
2nd But mark, we are about to review the army that immediately precedes salvation. And first, in the forefront of these, there marches One whose name we must pronounce with sacred awe. It is God, the Holy Spirit. Before anything can be done in our salvation, there must come that Third Person of the sacred Trinity. Without Him, faith, repentance, humility, love, are things quite impossible. Even the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ cannot save until it be applied to the heart by God the Holy Spirit. Before we notice the grand army, then, that immediately precedes salvation, let us be cautions that we do not forget Him who is the leader of them all. It is He that quickens the soul, or else it would lie dead forever; it is He that makes it tender, or else it would never feel; it is He that imparts efficacy to the Word preached, or else it could never reach further than the ear; it is He that breaks the heart, it is He who makes it whole; He, from first to last, is the great worker of salvation in us, just as Jesus Christ was the author of salvation for us. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; only that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
And now, close in the rear of the adorable Spirit follow the Thundering Legion. This Thundering Legion are clad in mail; their helmets wave with horror; their speech is rough like men that come from a far country. Some of the men in this Thundering Legion bear with them swords; with these swords they are to slay the sinner. For, before the sinner can be made whole, he must be spiritually killed. The first work of the Spirit in the soul is a terrible work and this Thundering Legion is a terrible thing. God be praised, when once this Legion goes out of the heart there is some joy; but whilst they are billeted in the conscience of man, I defy him to eat or drink with any mirth or joy. The poor town of Mansoul is hung with black all the time these rough soldiers are there.
But, we have not yet come to a full conviction of salvation. Now come those that are the actual attendants upon salvation – or rather, that march in the rank immediately before it. And just before the full assurance of salvation there marches:
Humility. She is of a downcast look; she is not sad, but she hath no high looks; she scarcely dares to lift her eyes to the place where God's honour dwelleth. Side by side with her, is her sister called; Repentance, watering the ground with tears to lay the dust before the King. Then side by side with Repentance is one called Prayer, and with Prayer the fourth one of that company immediately attending salvation, a Tender Conscience. Poor Tender conscience; some despise him but he is dear to the King's heart. I would to God, my brethren, you and I knew more about him. I used to know a conscience so tender, that I would wish to feel it again.
3rd And now comes Salvation in all its fulness. The "things that accompany salvation" make a glorious march – from Election down to those precious opening buds of virtue in the sinner's heart. But then, comes the precious casket set with gems and jewels. And who are those that are close around it? There are three sweet sisters that always have the custody of the treasure – you know them; their names are common in Scripture – Faith, Hope, and Love – the three divine sisters.
Faith, who layeth hold of Christ, and trusteth all in Him; that ventureth everything upon the blood and sacrifice of Jesus, and hath no other trust beside.
Hope, that with beaming eye looks up to Jesus Christ in glory, and expects Him soon to come; looks downward, and when she sees grim death in her way, expects that she shall pass through with victory.
And thou, sweet Love, the sweetest of the three. Love looks to Christ and is enamoured of Him; loves Him in all His Offices, adores His presence, reverences His words, and is prepared to bind her body to the stake and die for Him, who bound His body to the Cross to die for her.
Have you these three graces? If so, you have salvation. Cast your eye forward; remember Election is yours, Predestination and Sovereign Decree are both yours. Remember, the terrors of the law are past; the broken heart is mourning; the comforts of religion your have already received; the spiritual graces are already in the bud. You are an heir of immortality, and for you there is a glorious future.
These are the "things that accompany salvation."
"Aye," said an old lady to a famous preacher once, "if God hadn't loved me before I came into the world, He would have found nothing in me to love since I have been here."
![]() This Page Title – The Things that Accompany Salvation – an Allegory by C.H. Spurgeon The Wicket Gate Magazine "A Continuing Witness". |